
Living Life in Growing Orbits

Liv­ing Life in Grow­ing Orbits is a Work­book for peo­ple seek­ing clar­i­ty and focus. In an often con­fus­ing world, pure, sim­ple, and focused guid­ance is required.

Author: (Wayne C. Allen)

Living Life in Growing Orbits is a guidebook for discovering who you are, and more, importantly, the tool you need to become fully yourself.

  • If you are won­der­ing what, specif­i­cal­ly, to do to learn more about who you are, who you might be, and about your place in the world, this book is for you.
  • If you have read books on whole­ness, per­son­al respon­si­bil­i­ty, or spir­i­tu­al insight, and then have won­dered, “What’s next?” — this book is for you.
  • If you seek whole­ness, but are unclear on how to begin , this book is for you.
  • If you want ele­gant, day-by-day guid­ance to main­tain a prac­tice designed to open your eyes, your heart, your mind and Spir­it, this book is for you!

In 52 weeks, you will have found direc­tion and pur­pose, as you explore the mean­ing of cen­tered, mean­ing-filled, and “present” liv­ing. With week­ly thoughts, and dai­ly med­i­ta­tions and projects, Liv­ing Life in Grow­ing Orbits: 52 Weeks to Whole­ness will change your life.


Wayne Allen is an insight­ful writer. From his var­ied life expe­ri­ence, he blends spir­i­tu­al prin­ci­ples with every­day val­ues, mak­ing for a read­able, thought pro­vok­ing blend of sto­ries and ideas. Fore­most, Wayne is very human .… and this comes through in his writ­ing. This book would be of val­ue to any­one who is gen­uine­ly inter­est­ed in find­ing deep­er mean­ings in life and rela­tion­ships. You can read it all at once, or sip it in small quan­ti­ties.
High­ly rec­om­mend­ed.

~ Ben­net Wong & Jock McK­een, Co-founders, The Haven Institute

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Liv­ing Life in Grow­ing Orbits

Living Life in Growing Orbits

Available formats:

* Paper­back, 229 pages
** E‑book dig­i­tal down­loads
** PDF Download 

* Pub­lish­er: The Phoenix Cen­tre Press (Revised Decem­ber 2015)
* Lan­guage: Eng­lish
ISBN: 978–0‑9877192–7‑0

Sam­ple Pages

Purchase Options

Paper­back: $20.00, E‑book dig­i­tal down­loads $2.99, PDF Down­load $4.00


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